We help founders drive innovation and shape the future


As founders, we understand your journey because we’ve walked it ourselves. We’re not just investors; we’re your partners in this adventure. Majic was born to empower founders with the support they need to create enduring businesses.


At Majic Strategic Advisory, we’re more than just consultants; we’re your strategic allies. With a wealth of experience in financial marketing, advisory, and growth development, we’re here to empower your company to thrive and prosper. Majic is your partner in building a more robust and prosperous future.


We engage proactively in funding rounds alongside globally renowned venture capitalists, simultaneously enhancing the performance of their portfolio companies and facilitating connections with our network of corporate partners.

The process is simple



Start by applying on our website through
the contact form, and from there, we wil
guide you through the entire process.


Following the initial screening, you'll receive an invitation to a pitch session where you'll meet with our team for thorough idea validation.


Congratulations, you're on the verge of success! This stage is where we align on a mutually beneficial, long-term business model.


Kick off
Celebrations! You're officially in! After the paperwork is squared away, we're all set to start turning your dreams into reality. Let the journey commence!

Speak in Numbers

Capital raised by our portfolio
Successfully raise their round
Higher valuations
Avg Multiple on revenue

Majic Capital Syndicate has +8000 investors

Angel Investors & Groups
Venture Funds
Family Offices
Corporate Venture

Operators with a proven track record of building successful ventures and achieving results.

Alex Alpert

He grew up in a steel town in West Virginia, and his early experience in the moving industry ignited his passion for improving logistics. Working for some of the largest trucking companies worldwide, he witnessed a lack of transparency, manual quoting processes, and widespread inefficiencies. Determined to revolutionize the way people move, he founded Shyft.

At Shyft, cutting-edge technology was harnessed to streamline the moving experience. Through his efforts, over $40 million in venture capital funding was secured, and key partnerships were established with industry giants like Amazon, Google, and AARP. With the simple click of a button, he empowered over 500,000 customers to effortlessly move their belongings.

Throughout this transformative journey, he acquired invaluable knowledge on building a successful tech company. Now, as part of Majic Capital, he is excited to share his experience, connections, and wisdom with the next generation of entrepreneurs. Together, he aims to shape the future of innovation and drive positive change in the business world.


Vuk Guberinić

Vuk is Co-Founder of Majic Capital, a visionary and an enabler with passion for technology and business development. Vuk holds an MBA from St. John’s university and has more than a decade of experience in building digital businesses across various industries in Europe and the United States. He was a founder and CEO of CarGo – the largest ridesharing company in Southeastern Europe, scaling the startup to over 50M in revenue.

Passionate about basketball and high tech, he is no stranger to taking risk head on. At Majic, as a founder Vuk looks to help other fellow founders along their journey to success and overall pursuit of happiness.

Feel the Majic Portfolio

Majic is a Vibe

We’re unlocking the realms of innovation, funds, and connections to anyone!

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